Jamil Viper/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Jamil Personal Story
Icon Jamil R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Jamil R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Jamil R Beans Camo.png
Beans Camo Story
Icon Jamil R Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Jamil SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Jamil SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Jamil SR Gala Couture.png
Gala Couture Story
Icon Jamil SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story
Icon Jamil SR Masquerade.png
Masquerade Story
Icon Jamil SR Luxe Couture.png
Luxe Couture Story
Icon Jamil SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Jamil SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Jamil SSR Silk Adorned.png
Silk Adorned Story
Icon Jamil SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Jamil SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Jamil SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 14116.png
Scarabia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
It’s almost time for the interview to start.

I heard the presenter would be chosen by the school’s “magical pendulum"… I’m curious who will be coming.
I sure hope it won’t be anyone overly nosy who’ll try to pry into my private life…

Yuu icon.png
Pardon me.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
I have come here to fulfill my given role as presenter. Happy birthday, Jamil.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Thanks, Silver. Good to have you today. It should be a pretty peaceful if it’s you.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Peaceful…? If there is something amiss, I am all ears.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
No, it’s nothing. Go ahead and start the interview.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Understood. Then, here is the first question.

"If you could fly anywhere, where would you like to go?”
There is no need to consider how much magic may be needed to travel there.

Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Hmm… Given those terms, I’d love to wander the world with just a single backpack…

However, for the purposes of this interview… I think I would like to travel to a colder country where there’s snow in the winter.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Snow-laden roads are beneficial for leg strength training. Good choice.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
For your information, I didn’t select it for training purposes

I only want to see for myself what it’s like to live in a place with a completely different climate than where I grew up.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
…So, your purpose is to understand how the people in those places live, then. What sort of thing would you be interested in doing there?
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Mainly sightseeing. I’d like to visit famous buildings, or other places that I can learn of the country’s history.

If I go directly to the source, I should be able to learn things from the locals that I wouldn’t pick up just from my textbooks, don’t you think?

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Is that so? Perhaps it is because I am not familiar with travel, but I had not even considered that.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Honestly, me too. Everything I just said is only based on what I’ve learned from movies or books.

…But, hm. I guess it could be more or less similar to how I spent my days back in my own hometown.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Your hometown… That’s the Scalding Sands, right?
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Yeah. Back home, sometimes my middle school friends and I would drop by the city marketplace.

We’d purchase food and eat them right there in the street, or sometimes even compete with each other to see who could bargain best with the street stall owners.
If I think about it like that, I guess interacting directly with the locals would really be one of the highlights of travelling.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
I think you are right. My father would also often tell me stories of the people he met on his travels. I am sure it leaves a powerful memory.

It will most likely be a rather memorable experience for you, as well. …I do hope it occurs one day.

Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
…Thanks, Silver. I’ll also be wishing for it to happen.

I guess I should start to study up in preparation for when I’ll finally be able to travel one day.

Bg 14116.png
Scarabia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Your next question is…

“What it something that made you glad you could use magic?”
Tell me whatever comes to mind.

Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Well, I guess it’d have to be that it’s made cleaning up much easier.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Cleaning up…? You mean like using magic to put books back up on bookshelves? That is much like what the citizens of Briar Valley would do.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Of course I can do something of that caliber with my own two hands. But when there’s much more to clear away, it’s a different story.

Essentially, the set up and tear down tasks for our feasts are all divided evenly among the dormitory students, and are all done manually.
Everyone excels in different kinds of magic, and we all have differing levels of magical abilities. So, it wouldn’t be fair to increase the workload on only some people, right?

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
I agree. Then, when would you use magic?
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
…Most recently, I used some when we were doing a thorough cleaning of the whole Scarabia dormitory.

On one of our days off, we divided the work between all of us, and went to clean the common spaces and wash the fabrics, but…
Once the indoor cleaning group was at a good breaking point, I went to go check on how the laundry group was doing, and… They were all playing in the water.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Ah… I bet it was nice to play in the water this time of year.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Sure. They were all shouting and having the time of their life. Even Kalim, who was supposed to be supervising, had joined in.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
That sounds fun. I can imagine Kalim’s huge smile.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
They really did seem to be having fun, yeah. If only they had finished their work, then I would have felt like smiling too…
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
From those words, I take it…
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Yeah, they hadn’t finished at all. It was almost sunset, and they hadn’t even close to halfway done.

I carelessly thought that it was a small enough amount of work that they’d be able to get it done without any problems, so I delayed checking up on them. That’s completely my fault there.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
So, you made up for lost time by using magic…
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Yeah. Since we still needed a few people to be in charge of handwashing the rugs and cushions…

I had a few students use magic carry and dry the laundry.
I also joined them to help, but… It was still a huge load. It was quite the task.
But in the end, we were able to finish on time. It was only thanks to using magic that we were able to get it done and not have to continue into the next day.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
I see. I am happy to hear it went well. It must have been good training for you, as well?
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
You’re a pretty optimistic guy, huh…? Well, I guess it would be good training to help finesse our magical abilities…

But if this were to happen on a daily basis, it would be too much of a burden on me and the other students.
I’ll need to pay more attention in the future to make sure these sorts of incidents don’t happen again.

Bg 14116.png
Scarabia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Next, we have the final question.

“What would you like to do in the coming year?”
That’s something I’ve already gotten figured out. I want to learn the cultures of various countries.

Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
That’s something I’ve already gotten figured out. I want to learn the cultures of various countries.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Their cultures? Please, tell me your reasoning as to why you’ve decided as such.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
When I finally get to travel someday, I’d like to use that knowledge to help me connect with the people I meet in those countries.

Customs and etiquette are different for each place, right?
If I don’t have a good grasp of their cherished mannerisms, I may unknowingly offend them.
That’s why I thought I’d like to learn about other cultures
…Well, another purpose in learning their way of life would also be to prevent being tricked by anyone, too.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
I see… Your consideration for other people is heart-warming.

In addition, I fully admire how you spare no effort to meet your goal.

Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Thanks for the praise, but… I’m only mimicking my parents’ work ethic.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Your parents?
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Yeah. My father and mother are very good at entertaining guests.

I’ve seen them transform stiff and nervous expressions into smiles within minutes.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
Into smiles…? That’s amazing. How are they able to relax those people so quickly?
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
They would bring up various cultural topics of conversation from that guest’s country. Talking about something they have knowledge of allows the guest to relax and open up more.

Back when I was a kid, I only thought it was small talk, but…
Now I understand. My parents both have a vast intellect, and most likely studied up beforehand for each individual guest.
Sometimes I guess I do have to acknowledge their devotion to their work.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
You really do admire your parents, I see. I can understand that feeling as well.

As someone who also follows in the footsteps of someone I admire, let us continue to work on our devotion together.

Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
I’m really only trying to learn useful skills; I wouldn’t say I admire them at all…

Well, whatever. It’s not really anything worth correcting you over.

Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
The interview is now over. Finally, here… This broom has been specially prepared for you. Please accept it.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
…!! Amazing, the end of the broom is a bouquet. So, I’m to fly on the Birthday Road with this, huh.
Story Silver School.png
Story Silver School.png
That’s right. …Hm, yes, that broom… Its deep red color suits you.

I am certain that everyone’s spirits will brighten when they see you flying in celebration.
I look forward to seeing your valiant effort. Good luck.

Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Hmph… I guess I can’t let you down if you’re going to say that much.
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
Story Jamil Broomquet.png
…I’m ready to go. Heh, you all should prepare to forever burn my flying figure into your memory.
Card Jamil SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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See Also

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Personal Stories
Riddle logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesSuitor SuitApprentice ChefTropical WearDorm UniformBirthday BoyHalloweenBirthday JacketTsumsitterBirthday Bloom
Ace logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenGala CoutureApprentice ChefTropical WearDorm UniformSuitor SuitBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday BloomPlatinum JacketPlayful Dress
Deuce logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesNew Year's AttireApprentice ChefDorm UniformStarsending RobesBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom ✦ Rabbit Wear ✦
Cater logo.png
School UniformPE UniformBeans CamoLabwearCeremonial RobesSilk AdornedApprentice ChefPlayful DressDorm UniformHalloweenBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Trey logo.png
School UniformPE UniformStarsending RobesSilk AdornedLabwearCeremonial RobesApprentice ChefHalloweenDorm UniformBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday BloomOutdoor Wear
Leona logo.png
School UniformPE UniformOutdoor WearLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenApprentice ChefPlayful DressDorm UniformGala CoutureBirthday BoyTsumsitterBirthday JacketKingly GarbBirthday Bloom
Jack logo.png
School UniformPE UniformGala CoutureLabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoHalloweenDorm UniformBirthday BoyBirthday JacketPort WearBirthday BloomPlatinum Jacket
Ruggie logo.png
School UniformPE UniformGala CoutureLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenApprentice ChefPort WearDorm UniformOutdoor WearBirthday BoyBirthday JacketNew Year's AttireBirthday Bloom
Azul logo.png
School UniformPE UniformOutdoor WearLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenDorm UniformBeans CamoBirthday BoyBirthday Jacket ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Birthday BloomTsumsitter
Jade logo.png
School UniformPE UniformApplepomLabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoApprentice ChefOutdoor WearDorm UniformHalloweenBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Floyd logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenPort WearLabwearCeremonial RobesOutdoor WearApprentice ChefDorm UniformBirthday BoyBeans CamoBirthday JacketBirthday BloomTropical Wear
Kalim logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesGala CoutureApprentice ChefKingly GarbDorm UniformBirthday BoyNew Year's AttireBirthday JacketTsumsitterBirthday BloomPlayful Dress
Jamil logo.png
School UniformPE UniformBeans CamoHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesGala CoutureApprentice Chef ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Dorm UniformBirthday BoySilk AdornedBirthday JacketBirthday BloomPlatinum Jacket
Vil logo.png
School UniformPE UniformKingly GarbLabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoOutdoor WearPlayful DressHalloweenDorm UniformBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Epel logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesSuitor Suit ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Rabbit Wear ✦ Apprentice ChefDorm UniformBirthday BoyApplepomBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Rook logo.png
School UniformPE UniformSuitor SuitLabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoPort WearApprentice ChefDorm UniformBirthday BoyHalloweenBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Idia logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesStarsending RobesApplepomApprentice ChefBirthday BoySuitor SuitBirthday JacketDorm Uniform ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Birthday Bloom
Ortho logo.png
Archetype GearAthletic GearHalloween Gear ✦ College Gear ✦ Precision GearBurst GearStargazer GearRabbit GearBirthday GearIgnihyde GearFairy Gear ✦ Union Gear ✦ Bloom GearPlayful Gear
Malleus logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenSilk AdornedApprentice ChefBirthday BoyBirthday Jacket ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Birthday BloomDorm Uniform
Silver logo.png
School UniformPE Uniform ✦ Rabbit Wear ✦ LabwearCeremonial RobesApprentice ChefGala CoutureBirthday BoyHalloweenBirthday JacketDorm UniformBirthday Bloom
Sebek logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesOutdoor WearApplepomMasquerade DressApprentice ChefBirthday BoyBirthday JacketDorm UniformNew Year's AttireBirthday Bloom
Lilia logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenSuitor SuitApprentice ChefKingly GarbBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday BloomDorm UniformTropical Wear
Striped RibbonLabwearCeremonial Robes
President's Uniform
Raven Jacket