Silver/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Silver Personal Story
Icon Silver R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Silver R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Silver R Rabbit Costume.png
Rabbit Costume Story
Icon Silver SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Silver SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Silver SR Gala Couture.png
Gala Couture Story
Icon Silver SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story
Icon Silver SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Silver SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Silver SSR Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Silver SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Silver SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Silver SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

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Diasomnia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
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I am running slightly behind all because Sebek said, “Do something about your bedhead,” and I was trying to tame my hair.

Yet I’m sure that there was no reason to fret too much over it, since I am wearing a hat over it. Well, at the very least, I am glad I did not keep my presenter waiting long.

Yuu icon.png
Haaaaaah~~~~ This sucks… I want to go home…!
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
H-H-H-Hi… I’m your presenter… H-Happy… Birthday…
Yuu icon.png
Ah, so my presenter is Idia-senpai. I am honored by your kind words.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Eep… I just wanna speed run through this, so can I just start the interview already?
Yuu icon.png
Ah, sorry for taking up your precious time. Please, go on.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
O-O-Ok, question one.

“Are you good or bad at flying?”

Yuu icon.png
In general, I am relatively good at flying. At least, when comparing it to other subjects in the curriculum.

When it comes to flying continuously for long distances, or quickly changing the direction I am flying on a whim, among other things, I find that I still lack competence.

I must sup from the abundance knowledge this school provides me and continue to devote myself to my studies.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
So unfair…! You really think you still have room to grow!

That’s only something you can say when you’re born with natural physical abilities and senses…

Yuu icon.png
I do not really understand what you mean by being born with natural physical abilities and sense, but… It is not as if I was always a competent flier.

The first time I attempted to fly on a broom, I had enough trouble simply trying to lift the broom off the ground.

Most likely it was due to only being able to picture the broom sweeping. The broom would constantly only right itself vertically…

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Yeah, m-makes sense, brooms aren’t originally a meant to be a means for flying, but tools for sweeping,
Yuu icon.png
Exactly. It was not so easy to erase from my thoughts the image of a broom sweeping my entire home on its own alongside a mop and bucket.

The tip of the broom would split into two, and it would walk around just like a human would.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Eh, what’s with that weird dream? Silver-shi, you stressed, or something?
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It was no dream. It was something I witnessed as a child. It truly did startle me then. And it pained me.

I thought I had done something so atrocious as treat the broom, mop, and bucket as mere objects, when clearly they were living creatures.

…But, when I learned that my father was simply moving them around with magic, I felt relieved.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Ahh gotcha… So that was the result.

But hey, if he was using magic to clean… Sounds to me like your dad’s pretty resourceful, Silver-shi.

Yuu icon.png
Resourceful…? I wonder. In my hometown, it is actually quite common for magic to be used to clean.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Hah? Th-Then, wh-wh-why didn’t you notice that he was using magic to move the broom?
Yuu icon.png
I was very young at the time, and I still had not manifested my magical abilities. Also, my father and I lived deep in the woods, away from any city.

I did not come into contact often with those people who lived in the cities… Therefore, I did not know much of their ways.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
That mean that you really only interacted with your own family? I guess maybe we have some things in common.

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Diasomnia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
O-O-Ok… N-Next question…

“What is your best class?”

Yuu icon.png
That would be Physical Training.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Ah, k… How stupid of me to think we’d have anything more in common…

I’m so bad at physical training classes, that I’m in danger of failing… D-D-Do you have a cheat on how to get better at it?

Yuu icon.png
Get better…? Hm, that’s difficult. I cannot say I’ve ever had issues with any tasks that require physical abilities.

I believe I had the strength and stamina that were needed for those classes even before being enrolled here.

Back home, I would draw water from the river and chop wood, as well as other tasks that would provide me with daily training.

When I think back on it now, I suppose running with the animals that lived in the woods around my house also served to develop my legs and back muscles.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Drawing water, chopping wood, running with animals…? That’s a list of things that have no meaning to me at all…
Yuu icon.png
However, I would say my father had the largest impact on my life. When I got to the age where I was finally more aware of myself and everything that was going on around me, he started my daily regimented training.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
That young!? If it was me, I’d’ve run away from how harsh that was…!
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True, there was no lack of harsh training conditions. There were even times where I would give up and tell him that I couldn’t do it anymore.

Whenever that happened, my father would try to encourage me, sometimes sternly, sometimes gently…

Once, when I was made to climb a steep cliff and was unable to progress any further, he came up next to me and showed me the proper path to continue.

He was quite nimble, and he could climb up the cliff with ease, so he ended up leaving me there, in the end.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
He climbed the steep cliff with ease…!? Silver-shi, your dad sounds way too extreme!?
Yuu icon.png
Right, he’s an amazing person. I believe that I was able to grow as I did because he believed that I would be able to.

And also… I believe it was good fortune for me that Sebek became my father’s apprentice.

Sebek puts for great effort, and cannot stand losing. During our training, he would find any opportunity to compete against me.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Ugh, what a pain.
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For a little while after we began training together, I admit I was a little baffled by his constant aggressiveness…

But one day, I started to feel a burning desire to not lose to him.

It was a sensation that I had not felt up until that moment, when my goal had been to simply develop my abilities to my honored father’s level.

We were not constantly at odds with each other. There were times that we required the cooperation of the other in order to overcome an obstacle.

There is no way either of us would have achieved that sense of accomplishment with only one of us. It is truly wonderful to have someone to cultivate growth with.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
S-S-So, basically… It’s not how you train, but who you train with?

I’m already a single player in my online games, there’s no way I could do multi-player in real life…

Yuu icon.png
Are you searching for someone to train with? If we are available, Sebek or I could be your partner.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Hah!? Ah, no, uh… No, I don’t really like exercising anyway, so… I’m good, yeah.

Bg 17116.png
Diasomnia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Haaah… The end is finally nigh. Here’s the last question!

“How do you spend your days off?”

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My days off, hm… On days when I have Equestrian Club, I am busy with those activities, but other than that, I do my daily training regimen.

However, on my most recent day off, I went into town.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Ugh… That kind of response means I’m supposed to ask more… …Silver-shi, what did you do in town?
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I went to have a meal. After my club activities concluded for the day, I ran into Ruggie on the way back to my dormitory.

“You gotta help me!” he said, and so I followed him. I must admit, I was worried as to what may have happened.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Do normal people actually run to help when someone asks like that? Nah, that definitely throws up red flags…
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I jumped on a broom and went into town, rushing after Ruggie, and we landed at a restaurant.

It was rather crowded, and at this largest table in the back of the restaurant, there were many students from our own school.

I knew not their names, but Ruggie headed towards that table, and I sat beside him.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
You were dragged without any explanation, and just joined a group of people you didn’t know…!? Isn’t that the worst!?
Yuu icon.png
Is it? It did not bother me.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
You don’t get any social anxiety, or, what, you’re one of them happy-go-lucky partiers too…? A-Ah, I mean, uh, please go on.
Yuu icon.png
That day, there was a promotion where your meal would be free if you were to beat the restaurant owner in an arm-wrestling match.

Most of Ruggie’s more built friends attempted to do this, and were all summarily defeated quickly.

From what I understand… Ruggie hastily ran back to the school to look for someone, anyone who would be able to solve their predicament.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Ah. So the first person that Ruggie found when he got back to the school that looked “good enough” was you.
Yuu icon.png
At first, the restaurant owner went easy on me, worried that he may injure me.

He must have realized that I was truly a challenge, for he started to take me seriously as an opponent in the end.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
I bet he didn’t take Silver-shi serious at all, what, with the way he looks like a windswept prince…
Yuu icon.png
As the match was coming to a climax, it was not only Ruggie and his friends that were watching us, but others sitting at the surrounding tables, as well.

In fact, I also started to hear them cheer for me, saying such things as, “Keep going!” and “Don’t lose, kid!”

It was a difficult battle, but thanks to the encouragement from those around me, I was somehow able to secure my victory.

Having large crowds surround me such as they did, or having such a lively meal with friends my own age like I did then…

I would never have been able to experience those sorts of events if I were back home. That was a sincerely memorable and precious day.

Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Interview completed!! Kk, Silver-shi, take this broom.
Yuu icon.png
The end is made into a bouquet, I see. I don’t believe this would be useful for any sort of sweeping, let alone flying.
Story Idia School.png
Story Idia School.png
Silver-shi and a White Bouquet… It’s way too bright, it’s blinding me. Please go and get ready to fly as soon as you can, already.
Yuu icon.png
Right, Idia-senpai is far too busy. I should head towards the birthday road quickly.

…The birds have started to gather with me. I’ll do my best to fly in the sky along you all.

Card Silver SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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