Deuce Spade/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Deuce Personal Story
Icon Deuce R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Deuce R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Deuce R Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Deuce SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Deuce SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Deuce SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story
Icon Deuce SR New Year's Attire.png
New Year's Attire Story
Icon Deuce SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Deuce SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Deuce SSR Starsending Robes.png
Starsending Robes Story
Icon Deuce SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Deuce SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Deuce SSR Rabbit Costume.png
Rabbit Costume Story
Icon Deuce SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Yuu icon.png
Getting interviewed like this for my birthday makes me feel too much like the center of attention, that it's got me real nervous.

I don't know if I'll be able to answer the questions well… Oh yeah, and I wonder who was picked as my Presenter?

Yuu icon.png
Ah, so this is the interview venue. I'm coming in.
Yuu icon.png
Welcome… EH!!! DRACONIA-SENPAI!?!?!?
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
It seems I made it before it was set to begin. Spade, Happy Birthday.
Yuu icon.png
Eh, Uh, Y-Yes. Thank you very much! I wasn't expecting Draconia-senpai to be my Presenter…
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
What is the issue, are you unhappy having me with you a happy birthday?
Yuu icon.png
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Heh, is that right. Then, I shall begin the interview. The first question is…

“If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”

It appears you do not have to consider your own magical reserves.

Yuu icon.png
If I don't have to think about that, then…

I want to go see a magical wheel race. And, I want to watch from right over the course!

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Magical wheel…? What is that?
Yuu icon.png
Eh? You don't know magical wheels!? It's a real popular vehicle!
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Ah… That mechanical mode of transport. Is it so popular so as to garner races?
Yuu icon.png
Yeah! There's always so many different types of races going on out there.

The one that's most common is the type of race where the racers'll compete for the fastest time around the racetrack.

And there's also the super impressive endurance races that goes on for 24 hours

If it's a popular race, then it's basically impossible to get a ticket to watch in person, so so many people watch it on TV!

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Oho, I see. But, if you are able to watch it on television, why do you wish to use your flight magic to go watch it in person?

Moreover, you said you wished to watch it "right over the course," which suggests to me that you do not wish to simply watch the race.

Yuu icon.png
Whenever I watch through a TV broadcast, they jump around from racer to racer, so I can't watch just the racers and machines I want to.

Even if I got to watch it from the stands, I don't think I'd be able to see what was going on other than the bit of the racetrack I could see.

But if I was flying, then I can follow the racers I want to watch from the sky!

And since I wouldn't have to care about my magical reserves, I'd get to keep on flying no matter how long the races goes on for!

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
I see. That is one way to watch the race.
Yuu icon.png
Right!? Aaah, if I could watch them as much as I want, from wherever I want, I bet I'd learn a ton…

Like, how they take the curves, how they brake… Ah, and how they tune the machines in the pit!

I'd probably have to fly real careful to make sure I don't get in the way of any of the racers, or distract them, though…

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
You seem to really be fond of those magical wheels, Spade.
Yuu icon.png
Yes, I love them! …Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get all worked up on my own…
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Nothing to fret over. You are the birthday boy today, after all.
Yuu icon.png
Thank you very much…! I'll do my best on the next question too.

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Time for the next question.

"What is something that made you glad you could use magic?”

Yuu icon.png
That I was able to get into Night Raven College. I didn't think I'd ever be a student in a big school like this.

Until I got that letter of admission, though, I just thought all's it was good for was to shut up anyone who tried to give me any lip…

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Give you any lip…? …What does that mean?
Yuu icon.png
Eh!? Like they tried to mouth off at me… Uhhh, wait, what other way can I say it…?

AH! LIKE, THEY TRIED TO PICK A FIGHT!! Right, like, they'd say some rude things to start a fight.

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
I see, so that is what that means. I shall endeavor to remember it.
Yuu icon.png
No way, please forget it! It's definitely not any kind of thing that you of all people should say!

If Sebek got wind of this, he'll definitely end up yelling at me for teaching Draconia-senpai something so crude…

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Nevertheless, why did the pick a quarrel with you?
Yuu icon.png
Uhhh… I guess I stood out a little bit too much back home, so I was a little too easy to spot…

I guess I also had a big attitude, so anytime I stepped into someone else's, uh… territory… people'd always pick fights with me.

One time, it was 5 against 1, and I thought I was a goner…

But I just quickly used my summoning magic, and luckily, my usual cauldron appeared out of nowhere. That hit this huge tree that was there, and…

One of the broken branches fell right at the feet of their leader, so they all freaked and ran off. Serves 'em right.

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
Hm… So, in order to generate fear in your opponents, you dropped a cauldron intentionally on the branch?
Yuu icon.png
Oh, no, it was a total coincidence, both the branch breaking and the cauldron appearing.

Back then, I wasn't as good at magic as I am now…

But thanks to that, I had a lot less people come at me.

Maybe it's 'cause they didn't have any mages in their little group, but they were more scared of me than they needed to be.

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
So essentially… For non-mages, the very existence of mages could possibly cause a sense of fear.

I understand. Now, let us move on to the next question.

Yuu icon.png
Yes, sir!

Man, I didn't mean to get into my past. But it looks like Draconia-senpai didn't care at all.

Might've been bad if he kept asking… I'm so glad he's my presenter…!

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
This will be the final question.

“What would you like to do in the coming year?”

Yuu icon.png
I want to study hard for my exams enough so that I can be in the top 50… No, wait, top 25 for my year!
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
That's quite specific. Why did you change the rank you wished to peruse mid-sentence?
Yuu icon.png
I thought I'd get more motivated if I set my goal higher.
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
I see. So, essentially, you are looking to focus your efforts on your studies.
Yuu icon.png
Yes! I'm thinking of focusing on protection magic, specifically.

My dream is to join the police. I've been wanting to join the counter-magic defense teams…

And the area of magic they tend to focus on is protection spells.

…Or, at least, that's what I've seen on the tv shows with magical police.

But I heard that show has some actual police guys consulting, so that's gotta be true!

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
I understand, that is a vital skill for you to learn to make practical your goal.

And? How do you fare at it now?

Yuu icon.png
URGH!!! Right now, uh… I'm not doing that great.

I practiced super hard by myself for my last assignment, and I just barely passed by the skin of my teeth…

But I'm used to not being able to study as good as other people, so…

And I'm stubborn enough that there's no way I'll give up before anyone else does.

I know I have to put in the effort for my other subjects too, but… When it comes to protection magic, I'm gonna get better than anyone else out there!

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
I like your enthusiasm, Spade. When you believe you've mastered that, perhaps we can see if you'll be able to defend against my magic.
Yuu icon.png
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
I, too, have been thinking that there is still room for me to grow in that course of study. Do you not think this is a perfect opportunity to practice together?
Yuu icon.png
P-Practice together!? With Draconia-senpai!? There's no way I'd possibly be able to protect against your magic…

…No, I gotta aim higher. When I get better at it, please let me be your opponent!

Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
The interview is over. I shall hand over this broom that was specifically prepared for you. Take it.
Yuu icon.png
Thank you very much! Woah, this is intense. The tip of the broom is like a bouquet.
Story Malleus School.png
Story Malleus School.png
The blue flowers are the centerpiece of the bouquet. It is a rather refreshing assemblage of colors.

Now, head towards the Birthday Road. Show everyone your valiant flying figure.

Yuu icon.png
Yes, sir! I'm gonna go all out!
Yuu icon.png
Whew… It's a little nerve-wracking to fly in front of everyone, but I'm gonna fly properly just like a top student should!
Card Deuce SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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