Kalim Al-Asim/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Kalim Personal Story
Icon Kalim R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Kalim R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Kalim R Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Kalim SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Kalim SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Kalim SR Gala Couture.png
Gala Couture Story
Icon Kalim SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story
Icon Kalim SR Kingly Garb.png
Kingly Garb Story
Icon Kalim SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Kalim SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Kalim SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Kalim SSR New Year's Attire.png
New Year's Attire Story
Icon Kalim SSR Tsumsitter.png
Tsumsitter Story
Icon Kalim SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Kalim SSR Playful Dress.png
Playful Dress Story
Icon Kalim SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 14116.png
Scarabia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Yuu icon.png
Oooweee! I can’t wait for the interview. I wonder what kinda stuff they’ll ask me?

There’s so many exciting things that happen on birthdays, so these days are totally the best! I want it to hurry up and start already.

Yuu icon.png
Fufu, you seem to be in quite the good mood. I shall have to do my best so as to make sure your special day is even greater, Kalim-san.
Yuu icon.png
Azul! No way, are you my presenter?
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Yes, I’m pleased to be here today. Also… Happy Birthday, Kalim-san!
Yuu icon.png
Hehe, thanks! I’m super happy to have you here, Azul.
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
I, as well, am elated to be able to wish you well on your birthday. And that I was chosen as your presenter.

In truth, I had been hoping to grow MUCH MORE closer to you than we are now!

Yuu icon.png
Eh, really? Then, let’s chat a bunch today, and become even better friends!
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Yes, indeed! Well then, I shall begin the interview. This is the first question.

“Are you good or bad at flying?”

Yuu icon.png
Flying? I guess my grades are about average.
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
I’m surprised you’d say they are average. You are always flying on a carpet, so I truly believed you would have higher grades.
Yuu icon.png
Yeah, I love flying on my carpet! But it’s totally different on a broom~

The carpet goes where I tell it to, see… It’d be great if the brooms could listen to my words like that, too.

I mess up a lot in class, too. Like, the other day, Vargas got real mad at me.

Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Vargas-sensei? Whatever could have happened?
Yuu icon.png
In flight class the other day, I rescued a cat.
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
That's… A splendid act befitting the spirit of benevolence! I could never hold a candle to you.
Yuu icon.png
Remember that assignment we had where we had to fly through the forest and avoid the obstacles?
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Quite. That was the task where multiple ropes were in our path, strung from tree to tree…
Yuu icon.png
Yeah, yeah! And while I was flying through the trees, I heard some meowing.

It was shaking, too scared to come down from the tree, so I flew over to it and rescued it.

After letting the cat go, I rushed towards the goal, but…

I ended up getting yelled at, like, “Not only did you get caught by the obstacles, you also veered off course!”

Maaan, Vargas’s voice is so loud and intense. Ahahah!

Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Wait a moment… Do you mean to tell me you left the prescribed course on purpose?

Even though that was an assignment that could seriously impact your flight class grade and course credits…

Yuu icon.png
Jamil said something similar, but… I’m just happy I was able to save that cat!
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
For you to forego your own grades, and rescue a cat instead… Kalim-san, you are quite the big-hearted individual.
Yuu icon.png
Heheheh, you don’t gotta praise me that much~

Bg 14116.png
Scarabia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
I’m quite delighted to have learned something about you already, Kalim-san. Now then, here is the next question. It states…

“What is your best class?”

Yuu icon.png
I super love music!
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Music class is most essential to help one’s imagination develop for magic, and cannot be neglected. And for you to be talented in that is absolutely spectacular!
Yuu icon.png
Thanks for all the compliments, Azul!
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
There are various music classes, but what in particular do you excel in?
Yuu icon.png
That’d be singing and playing musical instruments. And when it comes to my singing, I tend to get a ton of praise from the professors.

Uhh, they’d say something like… My voice is good in all the different ranges, and can hit all the right pitches.

Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
I see. Then… Do you recall the assignment when we were required to use our magic to make water jump from bucket to bucket to the music?

May I ask what your results were?

Yuu icon.png
I got praised for my sense of rhythm!
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Just for your sense of rhythm, I see… Well, understandable, that was a difficult assignment that also required competent magical skill, after all.
Yuu icon.png
Yeah, that’s true. It was fun to sing, but the magic part was so hard that I couldn’t really do it at all.

But I’m always having fun in the music classes themselves.

Like, the other day, when he had that one assignment where we had to play an instrument of our own choice, there was this one guy who picked a high-tempo song.

As I was listening, my body started to just sway… And I ended up totally dancing along with the guy’s performance!

Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
During someone else’s performance…? That’s seems botherso… Ah, I mean, that seems entertaining, but it may distract the other person.
Yuu icon.png
Yeaaaah, that guy also told me to “stop, because it’s distracting.”

But when I told him, “you were playing so amazing that I couldn’t help it,” he let me off in the end.

But then, after that, he got super into playing it too, and then by the end, everyone in the class was clapping!

Basically, that means that his playing and my dancing got everyone into a fun mood. See, this is why music is the best.

Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
So, essentially, you were able to bring everyone together as one. How spectacular! Hahaha.

…And speaking of music, I am quite proficient at playing the piano. Would you care to perform with me sometime?

Yuu icon.png
Yeah, totally! I’ll play my own instrument, and we can have a fun jam session, Azul.
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
A musical interlude with Kalim-san… Wonderful! Then, let us discuss dates and the like sometime later.

Bg 14116.png
Scarabia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Finally, we are at the last question.

“How do you spend your days off?”

Yuu icon.png
I do a bunch of stuff, but… Well, last time, I went into town to shop with Jamil and some other dormmates.

Physically going to a store and picking something to buy from all the stuff they got stocked on the shelves is super exciting, like a treasure hunt.

Back home, the merchants would bring all of their goods directly to my home, so…

Whenever I went shopping after enrolling here, I had such a hard time, ‘cause I didn’t know where I’d have to pay, or even how to pay― Ahahah!

Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
What an enviable situation…

However, is there even anything on Sage’s Island that would be discerning to your tastes, Kalim-san?

Yuu icon.png
Yeah, there’s a bunch! The thing I really liked was, uhhhh, what was it called again…? Ah, oh yeah!


Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Yuu icon.png
Oh, don’t you know what that is? It’s a tool that cleans carpets by rolling over it…
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Ah, apologies. I do not need you to explain it to me.

Only, it was such an ordinary… Rather, I mean, an unexpected response…

Yuu icon.png
Oh, okay. Recently, I’ve been using that to clean my magic carpet.

It really seems to like it, too. Maybe it feels like it’s getting a massage?

Ah, that reminds me, we’re almost out of the adhesive tape.

I’ll have to go back to the store and buy some more. Hmmm, I wonder if everything they have on the shelves will be enough…?

Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Kalim-san, are you saying… do you purchase a whole new cleaner every time you run out of the adhesive tape?
Yuu icon.png
Yeah… Eh, am I not supposed to?
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Yes. After buying the product the first time, you only need to replace the tape itself and reuse it all over again.
Yuu icon.png
Eeeeh, really!? That’s way too convenient! Whoever made that must’ve been a genius!!
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Fufu, I’m sure the manufacturers would be elated to hear that you love their product that much.

Kalim-san, thank you very much for all of your precious stories.

Yuu icon.png
Yeah, thanks to you, too! I had a lot of fun because of you, Azul.
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
I am honored that you would say that.

Now then, I shall hand over the broom that was specifically crafted for you, Kalim-san. ―Here you go.

Yuu icon.png
Woah! This broom looks like a bouquet, so fancy and cool!
Story Azul School.png
Story Azul School.png
Indeed. It is quite flashy and suits you well, Kalim-san. I’ve also made sure to lavish it with my own heartfelt wishes!

Please take this broom and fly on the birthday road, and go an accept every person’s birthday wishes.

Alright, then… Let us continue our conversation afterwards.

Yuu icon.png
Yeah, I’m off!
Yuu icon.png
Oookay, time to greet everyone from up in the sky! Gotta psych myself up and… Let’s go!!
Card Kalim SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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