Riddle Rosehearts/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Riddle Personal Story
Icon Riddle R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Riddle R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Riddle SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Riddle SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Riddle SR Suitor Suit.png
Suitor Suit Story
Icon Riddle SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story
Icon Riddle SR Tropical Wear.png
Tropical Wear Story
Icon Riddle SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Riddle SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Riddle SSR Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Riddle SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Riddle SSR Tsumsitter.png
Tsumsitter Story
Icon Riddle SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Yuu icon.png
It's time for the customary interview. I must prepare myself to provide proper responses so as to be a role model to the other students.

There is five minutes remaining until it is slated to begin. I wonder if we will be able to start on time…

Yuu icon.png
For celebrities like me, it is crucial to be punctual. Although, I cannot say I blame you for your concern.
Yuu icon.png
Ah, so you're my presenter, Vil-senpai. It seems this interview should run smoothly.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Well, aren't you lucky, Riddle? Don't you think having me as your presenter is the best birthday gift one could receive?
Yuu icon.png
Fufu, you're right. Thank you, and please be gentle with me.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Alright, let me start from the beginning… Riddle, Happy Birthday. I'll start the interview now.

“If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”

Yuu icon.png
Anywhere while using flight magic, you say…? Given that condition, I believe I would be able to fly back and forth between the Queendom of Roses and Sage's Island.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
If I recall, you're from the Queendom of Roses, yes? Are you looking to take quick day trips back home?
Yuu icon.png
Oh, I wouldn't go home, but instead, I'd like to go out to this one ranch.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
A ranch? That's… actually not too surprising, I suppose. You are in the Equestrian club, after all.
Yuu icon.png
Come to think of it, I believe they also offered horseback riding lessons… My recollection is from some time ago, so I'm not sure if they still offer it, however.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Oh, so you've gone before?
Yuu icon.png
Yes, during one of my elementary school extra curriculars.

It wasn't very far from my hometown, so many of my classmates would visit there on weekends.

It seems it was common for them to buy some ice cream from the ice cream vans they had stationed around the ranch…

Even when we visited for our extracurricular course, I recall many of my classmates eating that ice cream.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Well now, it must have been very popular. So, essentially, you wish to once more taste that ice cream from time long past, yes?
Yuu icon.png
I've never eaten it. At the time, my mother had forbidden me from having snacks of that sort.

So, while I am interested in their ice cream… I would also like to visit the ranch's café.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Has that café still been in operation since that time?
Yuu icon.png
Actually, it opened after I enrolled here at Night Raven College.

I saw an advert for it in a magazine that one of my dormmates were reading, so I researched it on the internet…

They're really well known for their white and fluffy whipped cream topped sweets, so much so that apparently some customers come from overseas just to try it.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
From overseas, even? That's impressive, especially for a ranch café.
Yuu icon.png
I agree. There was even a showcase of their delicious looking sweets on their website as well.

Among them, I found the cream tart to look the most appealing… So I have been wanting to eat it someday.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
So, put simply, you wish to go to this ranch and come back without your mom ever finding out? Ahaha! I like it!

For you of all people to want to secretly snack like this, I guess you've truly embraced the spirit of Night Raven College.

Yuu icon.png
That's not…! Ah, no, it probably is just as you've surmised, Vil-senpai.

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
NEXT! Here's the next question.

"What is your best class?"

Yuu icon.png
As I always receive a perfect score on my tests, when it comes to grades, I have no obvious strengths or weaknesses.

If I must choose one, I suppose I'd choose Practical Magic.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
True, practical application of magic is a very useful skill.

Although, back when my magic first presented itself, I do remember thinking, that I could do it much faster if I didn't use magic, however.

Yuu icon.png
That's understandable. In Heartslabyul, we use our magic for practical application when painting the roses, or transporting our tableware, but…

For those who are unsteady when it comes to their magical output and control, they often just do it with their own hands, instead of magic. This is especially true with our inexperienced first years.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
You say that as if you were not like them.
Yuu icon.png
That's exactly correct. Before I even enrolled in Night Raven College, I already was capable of casting practical magic our classwork requires us to use.

It wouldn't even take me 10 minutes to paint all the roses in our garden red.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
I expect that would be true, especially coming from you. Were you receiving special training before coming here?
Yuu icon.png
Yes… My parents are both mages, so I acquired my knowledge through the assignments my mother tasked me.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
I wouldn't know anything about how living as a family of mages would be. I'm curious to know what kind of assignments she gave you.
Yuu icon.png
The simpler tasks would be those such as putting away the books I had finished reading, or changing my outfit.

Let me see, I think it might have been when I was five years old when I once fell asleep from exhaustion in the middle of finishing what had been tasked to me...

My mother had come in to check on my progress, and she scolded me fervently. After that, I was given another task to complete.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
I assume your mother simply very earnest when it comes to your education… But she sure does not take it easy on her child, I see.
Yuu icon.png
…As I endeavored to complete all my assignments, I could tell that my own abilities were growing bit by bit.

I could feel my own motivation surging after I had set a goal for myself, to complete all my assigned tasks before my mother would come to check in on me.

I can still clearly remember that proud feeling that coursed through me the first time I was able to achieve that goal.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Essentially, you were challenging yourself to a speedrun, is that it? I can't help but be impressed by your diligence.

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Alright then, this is your last question.

“What would you like to do in the coming year?”

Yuu icon.png
I would like to improve my cooking skills.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
YOU, COOK!? Rather, I should ask, why did you decide to try to improve that?
Yuu icon.png
I have several reasons, but… I suppose the biggest one is that I realized that there is still much I don't know about cooking.
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Well, that is a laudable thing for you to say, a far cry different from your comments earlier. Perhaps you'd elaborate further for me.
Yuu icon.png
The other day, I was invited to have lunch with Trey and Cater. They said that Trey was planning on making the food…

So I asked them what he was making, and he responded, "I'll just look in the fridge and decide after I see what's available."

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
And what did you eat that day, then?
Yuu icon.png
The main dish was a cheese omlette. It seems he used the leftover ingredients from when we baked some cheese tarts the day before.

We had leftover carrots and raisins from making a carrot cake, and those were tossed into a salad side dish.

In addition, he also made soup and dessert for us. All with ingredients that we had in the kitchen.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
For a lunch that was made with whatever was leftover, that sounds as if it was rather splendid.
Yuu icon.png

As the food was almost finished, Ace and Deuce showed up, having followed the aroma to see where it was coming from…

In the end, it was the five of us eating lunch together that day. Cater, Ace, and Deuce had nothing but praise for the food.

I was truly astounded… I never expected such a delicious meal from leftovers like that, let alone multiple courses.

I always believed that cooking required one to plan the menu ahead of time and carefully prepare each step and ingredient properly.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
You're not wrong, either. It's actually rather difficult to create dishes on the fly like that without any experience.
Yuu icon.png
Trey explained that there many times that he would cook instead of his parents, so he just naturally learned how.

When he said that, I came to a realization. It wasn't enough for me to only memorize recipes, but I needed to gain more experience as well.

Eventually, once I leave the dormitory and my parent's home, I'll be on my own and I may need to cook for myself.

If I am able to use up all my ingredients and seasonings without being wasteful, then it should also reduce the time I would need for shopping.

That's why I intend on taking continual Master Chef courses in order to gain that practical know-how.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
I have this feeling that you may find that there will be many challenges when you live alone, much more than just cooking.
Yuu icon.png
…What does that mean?
Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
Well, there's a plethora of things I can think of… But for now, I suppose I'm just extremely curious what kind of interior design you'll end up choosing.
Yuu icon.png
My interior design choice, hm. You're right, I would need to assemble a complete set of furniture once I start living alone.

If I ever come to purchase any furniture, it would be an honor to receive advice from you, Vil-senpai.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
This concludes the interview. I was able to learn many fascinating things about you.

Here, take this. This broom has copious amounts of bright red flowers, and suits a leading man like yourself well.

Yuu icon.png
Thank you very much. Red is a color that symbolizes both Heartslabyul and the Queen of Hearts.

If nothing else, it fills me with joy. I shall demonstrate flight skills that is worthy of such a broom.

Story Vil School.png
Story Vil School.png
What high spirits. Well then, go on now. I look forward to seeing what the Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul can really do.
Yuu icon.png
Of course. I absolutely won't disappoint.
Yuu icon.png
Flying in the sky is a simple task. I'll show every person gathered here my true ability!
Card Riddle SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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