Azul Ashengrotto/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Azul Personal Story
Icon Azul R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Azul R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Azul R Outdoor Wear.png
Outdoor Wear Story
Icon Azul SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Azul SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Azul SR Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Azul SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story (missing)
Icon Azul SR Luxe Couture.png
Luxe Couture Story
Icon Azul SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Azul SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Azul SSR Beans Camo.png
Beans Camo Story
Icon Azul SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Azul SSR Tsumsitter.png
Tsumsitter Story
Icon Azul SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Azul SSR Masquerade.png
Masquerade Story
Icon Azul SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 13116.png
Octavinelle Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Yuu icon.png
This birthday interview is a prime opportunity for others in the school to understand me better. I must take full advantage of this occasion.

My research into the interview questions has been perfectly compiled. No matter what they ask me, I’ll respond flawlessly.

Yuu icon.png
I got the worst luck in having to interview this guy of all people. Out of everyone in Octavinelle, he’s the guy I can’t stand the most.
Yuu icon.png
…Oh my, it seems my presenter is here.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
It’s Jack Howl, your presenter. Azul……senpai. Happy Birthday.
Yuu icon.png
Thank you very much, Jack-san. I am looking forward to today.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Sure. Let’s just jump right into the interview. The first question is…

“Are you good or bad at flying?”

Yuu icon.png
This one of all the possible questions…?

Ahem, please ignore me. You said flight, yes? I am receiving grades sufficient enough to pass my courses.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
You usually get the highest grades on your tests, right? So, when you say, “sufficient enough to pass"…

So basically, you’re definitely saying you’re terrible at flying, huh.

Yuu icon.png
…I can’t say whether the term "terrible” is relevant to this situation, but I have been putting forth an extreme amount of effort this whole time.

I would prefer you to not lump me in with others who just decide it’s impossible from the start and give up without trying.

It would be foolish to simply give up. Even people who aren’t able to use magic have developed aircraft, you know.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
…I guess I have to agree with you on that point.
Yuu icon.png
I am truly pleased you agree. And while there are many crafts that can fly through the sky…

Out of all of them airplanes are quite spectacular. They can transport you safely to distant lands, and in a short amount of time.

But what surprised me even more are the abundance of the different transportation facilities on land. I never expected there to be that many alternative modes of transport!

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
When you say land… Are you talking about cars and trains?
Yuu icon.png
Indeed. As long as you pay the fare, public transportation will very conveniently bring you to your final destination.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
I mean, the cost is pretty outrageous if you travel by airplane, let alone trains or busses.

I’m a little… no, a lot surprised that you’d even suggest you’re willing to pay that fare.

Yuu icon.png
Of course, I would rather limit any unnecessary expenses.  However, it is well worth the price to use those modes of transportation.

Not only does it reduce travel time, but there are other various benefits.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Other benefits…? Like what?
Yuu icon.png
Perhaps this is simply so obvious to someone who has lived their whole life on the land that it’s just taken for granted.

Some time ago, I took the bus to the town at the foothills.

Spending the trip watching the scenery drift by the windows was quite the pleasant respite.

And the greatest benefit of all would be that I am able to use that time efficiently.

While on the move, I am able to gather information, check my mail, study, or read. There is nothing better than that.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Yeah, that’s true. It feels like a waste to just zone out while sitting there.
Yuu icon.png
Right? I can work or study with light background noise, and also look out at the scenery to take a break at times.

The transportation methods on the surface are truly convenient. I am sincerely in awe.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
HM? Somehow the topic completely shifted to transit. I can’t help but feel like he skillfully sidestepped the conversation…

…I guess I got an answer out of it, so I’ll just call it good.

Bg 13116.png
Octavinelle Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
The next question is…

“What is your best class?”

Yuu icon.png
This one is a better question. Discounting the class mentioned earlier, I have the top grades in every subject.

Therefore, I find it difficult to answer… I suppose if I were to give one, it would be Alchemy.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Ah… Yeah, I can see that.

You like money-making, so a class where you make gems or gold’s a pretty good fit.

It’s actually real amazing that you’re at the top of every subject. So, does that mean you were good at magic even before you enrolled here, Azul-senpai?

Yuu icon.png
I can’t say whether I was good, or not. Only that it was most likely due to both of my parents being mages that I manifested my magical abilities early.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Wow… So, does that mean you learned magic from your parents?
Yuu icon.png
No. Once my parents finalized their divorce, my mother had her hands full with her restaurant…

So, while my mother was working, often times my grandmother would be taking care of me.

My grandmother was also a mage, so she taught me the basics of magic and more…

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Your grandmother, huh… It’s kinda hard for me to picture her. What kind of person is she?
Yuu icon.png
She is much too nice of a person.

She would always be waiting warmly every day for me to come home from school.

……With an assortment of snacks and juice completely covering her table.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Every day… Completely covering… Azul-senpai, she really enjoyed spoiling you, huh.
Yuu icon.png
Yes. Overabundantly…

However, once she started teaching me magic, I also saw her strict side.

I found myself scolded often whenever I failed to concoct a simple potion.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
But you just started learning… That didn’t make you angry?
Yuu icon.png
I grew used to it fairly quickly. I wouldn’t be able to tell you the number of times I wished to run away, either…

However, no matter how elementary the magic, whenever I succeeded, she would praise me in such a grandiose fashion…

And above anything else, I was extremely fascinated by the ancient magic that my grandmother would teach me.

…If I think back on it, the fact that I see magic as beneficial and fun is most likely all thanks to her.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
It’s kinda hard for me to believe how someone that kind is a part of Azul’s family…
Yuu icon.png
Would you like to repeat that?
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Ah, no, nothing. It’s pretty cool that she didn’t just spoil you rotten.
Yuu icon.png
Indeed, she is a wonderful grandmother that I hold nothing but respect for.

Bg 13116.png
Octavinelle Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
This is the last question.

“How do you spend your days off?”

Yuu icon.png
Whenever I have no specific plans, I try to work on self-care of both my mind and body.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
It’s definitely good to refresh yourself from time to time. What kind of things do you do?
Yuu icon.png
I’ll wake up early in the morning, and make myself a cup of whatever I’m in the mood for…

I’ll often read a business book or economic newspaper, check the news or whatever is currently trending.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Is that really helping to reset yourself? If you’re just info-grabbing still, I don’t see how that’d relax you…
Yuu icon.png
For me, that sort of thing is more or less a hobby. Also, at this point, this has become an ingrained habit…

If I were to just lounge around in bed all day, it would just have the opposite effect on my mood.

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Yeah, I guess I agree with you that I don’t want to be lounging around just because it’s my day off, but… You really do keep busy, huh.

So, if that’s all the self-care of the mind… What do you do for your body?

Yuu icon.png
Often times I’ll do circuit training, alternating between weight training and aerobic exercises.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Yuu icon.png
What is with that shell-shocked reaction?
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
No, I mean, I just never expected the word “training” to come out of your mouth, I guess!?
Yuu icon.png
Well, I suppose I am part of a culture club, so… Perhaps it is not completely unexpected that you would think otherwise.

Oh, that reminds me, I was thinking of adding a new training regimen to my daily workout…

I am considering resistance band training. Jack-san, do you have any experience with this?

Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Yeah, I do. Whenever I add that to my usual muscle training, I end up using muscles that I normally don’t use.

Depending on how long the tubes are, or how many you use, you can change up the strength of the resistance, so it really helps to exercise the whole body.

Yuu icon.png
As I thought! Thank you, Jack-san. You were more than helpful.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Yeah. But man, I really didn’t expect I’d get to talk about exercises with you of all people.
Yuu icon.png
Fufu, it seems we have unexpectedly found something we share in common.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
So, now the interview’s over. Lastly…

Here’s your broom, Azul-senpai. Don’t know how to really explain it, but it’s got a pretty mature-looking vibe.

Yuu icon.png
True, it certainly has a beautiful and calming color scheme.
Story Jack School.png
Story Jack School.png
Okay, then, careful out there, and make sure not to fall off.
Yuu icon.png
Jack-san, I can see that huge grin on your face, you know?

As if I would allow anyone to see me humiliated… [inhales, exhales]

I have trained in preparation for this day. Allow me to disappoint you by defying your expectations.

Yuu icon.png
I’ve studied the wind speed and direction. I’ll definitely fly just as I’ve practiced!
Card Azul SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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