Azul Ashengrotto/Personal Story/SSR Masquerade

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Azul Personal Story
Icon Azul R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Azul R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Azul R Outdoor Wear.png
Outdoor Wear Story
Icon Azul SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Azul SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Azul SR Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Azul SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story (missing)
Icon Azul SR Luxe Couture.png
Luxe Couture Story
Icon Azul SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Azul SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Azul SSR Beans Camo.png
Beans Camo Story
Icon Azul SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Azul SSR Tsumsitter.png
Tsumsitter Story
Icon Azul SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Azul SSR Masquerade.png
Masquerade Story
Icon Azul SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

A Simple, Mysterious Talisman

Bg 70101.png
Noble Bell College
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Sigh… My plan was to thoroughly enjoy this visit to the City of Flowers, but we were truly in a pinch last night.

Thanks to all that running around exterminating the crimson lotus flowers, my muscles are sore everywhere, and I hardly was able to sleep, so I'm just terribly tired… Yaaawn…

However, I've come all this way to the City of Flowers. I must explore every nook and cranny of this city and gather any ideas that may be a boon to my businesses.

Unlike the other students, I have no time to relax or lounge about until the masquerade. Alright, let's quickly head towards the town.

Bg 71101.png
City of Flowers
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
My, the people of the City of Flowers sure have cultivated a wonderful entrepreneurial spirit!

I cannot believe that despite the frantic commotion caused by the crimson lotus flowers last night, the stores have already opened their doors, business as usual.

Thankfully, that meant I was able to enjoy a nice brunch with dishes made with goat's milk. Now, where should I go next…

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
I spy Azul-kun! Bonjour.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Oh, if it isn't Rook-san. Good morning… Or I suppose it may be a little too late in the day to say that.
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
I didn't expect to run into you here in town.

It is all thanks to the valiant efforts of you and the others that we are able to witness another spectacular morning.

After facing such grueling tribulations, I'm sure both your body and spirit are completely warn out. Are you sure you don't need to rest in bed?

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Honestly, I would like to sleep, yes… But my desire to explore the City of Flowers far outweighs my exhaustion.
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Fufu, what a coincidence. I've also sprung forth from the confines of my room in order to fully savor this beautiful cityscape.

What say you? Why not sightsee together, since we've just so happened to meet like this?

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
With you, Rook-san…? Hm. I suppose I'm likely to gain some new insight that I would not have gleaned on my own.

I'm honored by your invitation. I will gladly join you.

Bg 71121.png
City of Flowers - Topsy-Turvy Event Hall
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Despite the fiasco with the Crimson Lotuses, it seems the festival decorations are still up.

It does look as if we will be able to take in the buildings and scenery now that there aren't as many people around like yesterday.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
It's as you say, Azul-kun. …See, look up.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png

Ah. There are some carvings engraved onto the building roofs and even the tops of some pillars.

Hm…? What is that stone statue there… There seems to be two… no, three faces on its body.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
That is a sculpture of the Kind-Hearted Youth, and his friends. You should take a closer look.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
The Kind-Hearted Youth, and his friends…?

You're right. When I look closer, several people are clustered together to make a single silhouette of a young woman.

This one here is the Youth, and this lady was his friend. This other face is some sort of animal… Perhaps a goat?

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Trés Bien! You know your stuff, Azul-kun.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
I suspected as much. I couldn't very well make it out just from looking at it, but…

The locals here in the City of Flowers take pride in their goats. So I thought it could be…

However, I'm curious what theme they had in mind when creating this statue. The pose is quite comical, and yet their expressions are very serious…

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Apparently, this figure was made to recreate a well-known incident.

In an effort to escape from the gaze of some villain, they pretended to be stone statues in perfect sync… Or so this work of art is attempting to portray.

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Ah, I see… When you say it that way, I suppose they do have more of a tense expression on their faces.

It does seem as though the impression one can glean from this work of art deeply depends on whether you know of this incident taking place or not.

If you don't mind, Rook-san, may I ask you to teach me more of what you know?

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Fufu, you do know how to fill me with joy. Then, I suppose I shall bring you to this one place I highly recommend.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Yes, please! Tell me, what is this place you will be taking me?
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
You'll see once we get there. Do not worry, I promise you will have a grand time.

Bg 71121.png
City of Flowers - Topsy-Turvy Event Hall
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png

That massive stone building we visited just now… It was overflowing with the rich history of the City of Flowers.

The "King's Attire" they had in the glass case was a thoroughly interesting display as well.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Just so. A cape, a staff, and a crown made of fabric… I hear it was used for the Topsy-Turvy Festivities back then.

Isn't it just invigorating to imagine how the people of that time would use such a costume?

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Indeed. And with all the trivia you gave that can't even be found in guidebooks, it was quite the learning experience for me.

Thanks to you, Rook-san, I feel as though I've gained more appreciation towards the fine arts.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
I, too, was elated that you would listen with such interest. Ah, oh yes, and speaking of fine arts…

Azul-kun. Your singing voice is absolutely spectacular.

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
My… singing voice?
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Just so! You displayed such control over your tone and pitch since day one of practice, but…

Your singing voice grew more polished and captivating with each passing day.

I'm certain that you continued to practice on your own to further your abilities, even when no one else was watching.

That vibrato in the second half of the song was especially rich and intoxicating! It certainly showed just how much you put into your practicing.

Your single-minded dedication to reach even further heights is truly beauté! I'd expect nothing less from you, Roi de Fort.

I am so looking forward to the masquerade tonight!

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
I-I can't believe you'd grasp just what specifically I was focusing on just from listening to our practices…

Ahem! Could I ask you to save the rest of your compliments until after tonight's performance is over?

It is a waste if we were to stand around talking after coming all this way to the City of Flowers. Let us get moving.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
You're right! Then, next, let's head west. …Oh, what could that be!?
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Eh, you want to go down that narrow alleyway?

…And he's gone. I suppose I have no choice but to follow.

Bg 71111.png
City of Flowers - Underground Waterway
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png


…Excuse me, Rook-san.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Mm, what's wrong? Don't hold back on my account.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
You've been heading down these narrow streets for a while now… Wherever are you trying to go?
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
I have no objective in mind whatsoever. I am simply strolling around this unknown city as my whimsy dictates. That is one of the thrilling parts of a journey, after all.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
These alleyways are as winding as a labyrinth. If a quarry were to escape into these roads, it would be more than difficult to find them.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Indeed, it's as you say.

How frustrating… We've wasted so much precious time. And there's still so much I wish to see…

Let's return to the main roads. I'll pull up a map app and find our current location…


Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Azul-kun, is something wrong?
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
I only just noticed when I tried to open up the map on my smartphone, but… it seems like these alleyways are more simplified here on the map than they should be.

Take a look. This road that we are currently standing on is not shown on the map at all.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Let me see… You're right. This whole area is blank. And we made so many left and right turns coming here.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
Azul-kun? Why do you look so glum?

No need to worry over finding our way. Even if we were to be lost, eventually, all roads will lead back to a single path!

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
How can he be so haphazard… Ah, no, that is not what I am thinking about.

I only thought... I've seen this empty shape somewhere else before.

Hmmm… Where did I… Ah!!

[rustle, rustle]
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
…Fufufu, I see.

"When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand."

…So this is what that legend meant.

Story Rook Masquerade.png
Story Rook Masquerade.png
What a unique necklace. What prompted you to pull that out all of a sudden?
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Oh, I had just left it in my pocket this whole time that I had a sudden worry that I had dropped it somewhere, that's all.

Now, let's see. Now that I've confirmed I still have the necklace… Let's continue our sightseeing tour.

Now that we've opened this map of the City of Flowers, I've found a shortcut that should come in handy.

Bg 70113.png
Noble Bell College - Lecture Hall
[clamoring voices]
Noble Bell College Student
Noble Bell College Student
Yuu icon.png
Your singing voice earlier was just spectacular, Azul-san. By the end, I was moved so much, I had goosebumps.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Thank you very much! I am so pleased I put in the practice for this, but I did not expect such a warm reception.
Noble Bell College Student
Noble Bell College Student
Yuu icon.png
Your grades are high, your singing is spectacular, and you put forth such great effort… And on top of that, you're such a sociable gentleman!

As fellow aspiring mages, we should exchange information so we can stay in contact. It's a pleasure to have met you!

Mage Training School Student
Mage Training School Student
Yuu icon.png
Good evening. You're Ashengrotto-kun, right? That was a magnificent song!

And from what I hear, you also manage a café on your campus, right? I'd love to hear more about your business there.

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Really? I'm happy to hear that, please, I would love to speak to you at length about it.

I thank you all for your precious time. Now then, I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Fufu, just from participating in that one song, all these lemmings… Ah, no, I mean, all these students have approached me one after another.

This makes all the effort I put into my voice training absolutely worth the time.

It was also the right course of action to prepare an abundance of business cards. If I hadn't ordered extra, I may not have had enough.

I've made new connections, and I was able to familiarize myself with the City of Flowers. All according to plan… Fufufu.

Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
…That's a villainous laugh if I've ever heard one. Whatever could you be plotting?
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Oh, my, Rollo-san. I'm pleased you seem well.

And yet it wounds me that you would call me villainous. I was simply… ruminating over how enjoyable my sightseeing tour of the City of Flowers was today.

Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
You toured the city again today? Well, well… It seems you've truly taken a liking to our city.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Indeed. It was a very fulfilling day.

First, I had breakfast at a café, and afterwards, I explored the structures and sculptures around the festival venue with Rook-san.

We took a small rest at a coffee shop, where we got to listen to a live piano performance alongside a rendition of a love song…

Oh, and, we also visited the marketplace! It was bustling with the locals, so it was a treat just being able to observe everyone.

The view of the scenery from the bridge on the way back to Noble Bell College was also very stunning…

Although we did lose ourselves wandering some alleyways along the way, I found the time we spent exploring was more than substantial.

Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
…Amazing how you were able to visit so many places before the masquerade even began.
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Indeed, yes. All thanks to this wonderful map I was able to get my hands on.
Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
A wonderful map, you say?
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Yes. This one.
[rustle, rustle]
Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
That necklace…!
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Ah, when I see the way you jump back in surprise… Fufufu, so I was right.

I only noticed after I had wandered into the alleyways.

The narrow paths that were missing from my map application, and the netting of this necklace was a perfect match.

It never occurred to me that there would be such a secret hidden in this long-honored talisman!

But thanks to this, I was able to navigate the City of Flowers quite efficiently.

Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
While I only noticed because of my phone's map application…

What convinced me was recalling the view of the City of Flowers from atop the bell tower.

And of course, that's all because I had a chance to see that sight not once… but twice.

Ah, how delightful. I suppose one could say it was indeed worth the great deal of trouble I went through, just to have been given the blessing to climb that bell tower a second time!

Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
…You truly are a scoundrel.

There are only a handful of people that live in the City of Flowers who actually know the secret of this necklace…

And yet someone as villainous as you has figured it out.

I cannot possibly imagine how you may abuse this knowledge. This city's prospects may well be in dire straits.

Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Rollo-san, there is no reason to fret.

I have no intention of divulging this necklace's secrets to anyone.

Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
When you say that with such a crooked smile, there is no possible way I would feel relieved…
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
The reason why I chose this necklace as a souvenir is because it seems to just be a trinket with no meaning.

I only chose it to see their bewilderment… To hear them say, "What in the world is this?" or "Why did you even give this to me?"

If it were to be revealed that it actually is a map of the City of Flowers, then my whole plan is ruined, do you see?

Story Rollo.png
Story Rollo.png
…No, sorry, I don't understand at all. What are you talking about?
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Story Azul Masquerade.png
Essentially, if this necklace were to stay a simple, mysterious talisman…

It would also be in my favor.

Fufu, I am already looking forward to seeing Jade and Floyd's perplexed expressions.

After all, it's such a wonderful sensation to be privy to a secret that no one else knows.

Card Azul SSR Masquerade Groovy.png

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2021 events NRC Master Chef ~Bliss of Meat~1st Anniversary StoryVargas CAMP! ~Spring Happening~Happy Beans Day ~The Harp-less Brawl~NRC Master Chef ~Nostalgic Home of Spice~Scalding Sands' Al'ab NariyaNRC Master Chef ~Beans and Life~ ✦ Scary Monsters! ~Endless Halloween Night~ ・ Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5 ✦ Sam's New Year Sale 2022 ✦
2022 events NRC Master Chef ~The Lure of Fish~Harveston’s KelkkarotuFairy Gala What if? ~The Fantastical Festival of Fairies~Welcome to Tsumsted Wonderland! ✦ Port Fest ~Breezy Brass Beat~ ✦ NRC Master Chef ~To Potatoes and Beyond~ ✦ Vargas CAMP! ~Happening Returns~ ✦ Glorious Masquerade ~Crimson Flowers and the Bell of Salvation~ ✦
2023 events ✦ Sam's New Year Sale 2023 ✦ NRC Master Chef ~Oodles of Noodles~ ✦ Sunset Savanna's Tamashina-Mina ✦ Third Anniversary ✦ Welcome to Tsumsted Wonderland! Part 2NRC Master Chef ~Pepper Pandemonium~ ✦ Queendom of Roses' White Rabbit Festival ✦ Lost in the Book with Stitch ~Midsummer Sea and Spaceship~ ✦ NRC Master Chef ~Torrential Milk~ ✦ Disney100 Platinum Campaign
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Chats RiddleAceDeuceCaterTreyLeonaJackRuggieAzulJadeFloydKalimJamilVilEpelRookIdiaOrthoMalleusLiliaSilverSebekGrim
Personal Stories
Riddle logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesSuitor SuitApprentice ChefTropical WearDorm UniformBirthday BoyHalloweenBirthday JacketTsumsitterBirthday Bloom
Ace logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenGala CoutureApprentice ChefTropical WearDorm UniformSuitor SuitBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday BloomPlatinum JacketPlayful Dress
Deuce logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesNew Year's AttireApprentice ChefDorm UniformStarsending RobesBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom ✦ Rabbit Wear ✦
Cater logo.png
School UniformPE UniformBeans CamoLabwearCeremonial RobesSilk AdornedApprentice ChefPlayful DressDorm UniformHalloweenBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Trey logo.png
School UniformPE UniformStarsending RobesSilk AdornedLabwearCeremonial RobesApprentice ChefHalloweenDorm UniformBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday BloomOutdoor Wear
Leona logo.png
School UniformPE UniformOutdoor WearLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenApprentice ChefPlayful DressDorm UniformGala CoutureBirthday BoyTsumsitterBirthday Jacket ✦ Kingly Garb ✦ Birthday Bloom
Jack logo.png
School UniformPE UniformGala CoutureLabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoHalloweenDorm UniformBirthday BoyBirthday JacketPort WearBirthday BloomPlatinum Jacket
Ruggie logo.png
School UniformPE UniformGala CoutureLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenApprentice ChefPort WearDorm UniformOutdoor WearBirthday BoyBirthday JacketNew Year's AttireBirthday Bloom
Azul logo.png
School UniformPE UniformOutdoor WearLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenDorm UniformBeans CamoBirthday BoyBirthday Jacket ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Birthday BloomTsumsitter
Jade logo.png
School UniformPE UniformApplepomLabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoApprentice ChefOutdoor WearDorm UniformHalloweenBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Floyd logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenPort WearLabwearCeremonial RobesOutdoor WearApprentice ChefDorm UniformBirthday BoyBeans CamoBirthday JacketBirthday BloomTropical Wear
Kalim logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesGala CoutureApprentice Chef ✦ Kingly Garb ✦ Dorm UniformBirthday BoyNew Year's AttireBirthday JacketTsumsitterBirthday BloomPlayful Dress
Jamil logo.png
School UniformPE UniformBeans CamoHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesGala CoutureApprentice Chef ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Dorm UniformBirthday BoySilk AdornedBirthday JacketBirthday BloomPlatinum Jacket
Vil logo.png
School UniformPE Uniform ✦ Kingly Garb ✦ LabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoOutdoor WearPlayful DressHalloweenDorm UniformBirthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Epel logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesSuitor Suit ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Rabbit Wear ✦ Apprentice ChefDorm UniformBirthday BoyApplepomBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Rook logo.png
School UniformPE UniformSuitor SuitLabwearCeremonial RobesBeans CamoPort WearApprentice ChefDorm UniformBirthday BoyHalloweenBirthday JacketBirthday Bloom
Idia logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesStarsending RobesApplepomApprentice ChefBirthday BoySuitor SuitBirthday JacketDorm Uniform ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Birthday Bloom
Ortho logo.png
Archetype GearAthletic GearHalloween Gear ✦ College Gear ✦ Precision GearBurst GearStargazer GearRabbit GearBirthday GearIgnihyde GearFairy Gear ✦ Union Gear ✦ Bloom GearPlayful Gear
Malleus logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenSilk AdornedApprentice ChefBirthday BoyBirthday Jacket ✦ Masquerade Dress ✦ Birthday BloomDorm Uniform
Silver logo.png
School UniformPE Uniform ✦ Rabbit Wear ✦ LabwearCeremonial RobesApprentice ChefGala CoutureBirthday BoyHalloweenBirthday JacketDorm UniformBirthday Bloom
Sebek logo.png
School UniformPE UniformHalloweenLabwearCeremonial RobesOutdoor WearApplepomMasquerade DressApprentice ChefBirthday BoyBirthday JacketDorm UniformNew Year's AttireBirthday Bloom
Lilia logo.png
School UniformPE UniformLabwearCeremonial RobesHalloweenSuitor SuitApprentice Chef ✦ Kingly Garb ✦ Birthday BoyBirthday JacketBirthday BloomDorm UniformTropical Wear
Striped RibbonLabwearCeremonial Robes
President's Uniform
Raven Jacket