Cater Diamond/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Cater Personal Story
Icon Cater R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Cater R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Cater R Beans Camo.png
Beans Camo Story
Icon Cater SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Cater SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Cater SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story
Icon Cater SR Silk Adorned.png
Silk Adorned Story
Icon Cater SR Playful Dress.png
Playful Dress Story
Icon Cater SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Cater SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Cater SSR Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Cater SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Cater SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Cater SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Yuu icon.png
Ah, it’s almost time for the interview. Let me adjust the angle of my hat one more time… Okay, ready to go.

If I remember right, the presenter was chosen by the “Magical Pendulum.” I wonder who’s gonna come today~

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Wassup~ Hanadai-kun. Happy Birthday~
Yuu icon.png
Aah! You just showed up out of nowhere, you scared me. Wait, you’re telling me that you’re my presenter, Floyd-kun?
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Yep, yep. ‘Kay, gonna start the interview.
Yuu icon.png
Right away!? But, okay, it’s fine, I’ll answer any question you throw at me no problem ♪
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
The first question is…

“If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”

You don’t gotta think about how much magic it’d take to get there.

Yuu icon.png
Travel using flight magic, hm… Ah! Then, I want to go see this waterfall that’s been showing up a ton lately on Magicam!

The water falls from so high that half-way down it turns to mist, and when the sunlight hits it, there’s this gorgeous rainbow…

And if you’re lucky, you’ll get to see a real pretty sight of a ton of rainbows!

Whenever I check the hashtag of this waterfall, it’s got a ton of posts with thousands of likes.

If I post a picture or video, I bet I’ll also totally go viral!

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
But other people’re doin’ the same thing, right? If you just copy 'em, I don’t think that’s gonna draw anyone in.
Yuu icon.png
You figured that out quick, Floyd-kun. Yeah, of course, I’ve also given that a thought too.

The reason why the waterfall I just mentioned is even making its rounds in the first place is because it’s not some place that can be reached on foot.

It’s a spot where only those who book an expensive tour and take a helicopter there would be able to take these photos…

And because the helicopter’s flight path is fixed, and there’s only so close it can take you, most of the pictures are all the same.

But, unlike a helicopter, a broom would be more maneuverable and let you choose your own course, right?

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Aah, I get it. So you’d be able to take different kinds of pics from everyone else.
Yuu icon.png
Yeah! If I had a broom, I’d be able to go behind the waterfall, and down towards the waterfall basin too…

If I got a video of any of the places the helicopter can’t go, or of me flying under the rainbow on my broom, that video’d totally take off!

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Wooow~ You really thought of everything just to take pictures.
Yuu icon.png
Heh, that’s because I’m always researching into photogenic spots. I have plans where I think, "I’d like to take this kind of video here” for each place.

Honestly, though, I haven’t been able to go anywhere~ I bet once I actually get a chance to go, the buzz would have died down.

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
But wouldn’t it be better to take the pictures when that buzz is gone and there’s no people in the way?
Yuu icon.png
I mean, as a Magicammer, I want to have my pictures go viral so…

If everyone else has already gotten bored of it, there’s really no point in going.

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Hmm… So you’re saying, as long as it can go viral, you don’t care where you go…

Then maybe I’ll take you to the Coral Sea sometime. I’ll show you some out of the way spots that no one knows about.

Yuu icon.png
That's… a crazy rare chance! Yeah, you gotta take me there, Floyd-kun!
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
You got it. I think you’ll reeeaaally enjoy it~

Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention, but we might get attacked by sharks along the way!

But, hey, if we get there safely and in one piece, the pic’ll definitely go viral, so win-win, right?

Yuu icon.png
A… A SHARK!? Wait, did you mean… like we’d be swimming underwater instead of going there on a boat…?

…I think I’m going to have to pass after all. My phone might break, so.

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
‘Kay, let’s go to the next question.

“What is your best class?”

Yuu icon.png
My best class… Hmm… I guess I’m doing good enough in astrology?
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Eughh… Astrology’s one of those classes that make no sense to me.
Yuu icon.png
Ahaha. True, astrology can be pretty complex. And yeah, it has a lot to do with divination and such, but…

We kinda just end up going, “Let’s try to predict what’ll happen next based on the position of the stars and things that happened in the past based on that position!”

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Yeah, but making all those little calculations’s such a pain. Pretty sure that’s not divination, that’s just statistics.
Yuu icon.png
I guess so. I mean, for me, it’s fine if it’s just used as a type of fortune-telling, so.
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Makes no sense… Why’d you even get started in astrology?
Yuu icon.png
Hm, I wonder. Maybe because I would always be reading the horoscopes in magazines?
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Huh, what, people read those pages? I always skip 'em.
Yuu icon.png
It doesn’t really matter if it’s correct or not, usually there’s some pretty cool stuff written there. And they’re pretty good ice-breakers.
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
You use fortune-telling as ice-breakers, huh… So you just start convos with that stuff?
Yuu icon.png
Yeah, yeah! When you meet someone for the first time, you don’t know their personality, or what they like, so sometimes you don’t know what to talk about, right? But…

If you just ask, “Hey, this magazine’s horoscope’s pretty interesting. When’s your birthday?” everything just goes so smoothly ♪

You can continue, like, “Oh, that’s close to my birthday!” or “It says here your lucky item is black tea. Eh, you’re a coffee drinker?”

As long as you can start somewhere, you can keep the conversation going and get to know each other.

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Does it actually work like that? If it was me…

I’d say… “Hah? Why should I tell you my birthday?”

Yuu icon.png
That’s just you not willing to have a conversation from the get-go, isn’t it!?

Hrrnngh… Well, if I was dealing with that type of person, I might try a different approach.

Fortune-telling is just one of many different ways of communication ♪

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Huuuh, sounds annoying. I def can’t just go out of my way to work with others.
Yuu icon.png
I bet~ Everyone is different, and I’m just saying that this is something I’d do.
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
But, since I just learned 'bout it, maybe I can give it a try~
Yuu icon.png
Oh, you’re gonna put it to the test right away? Sure, sure, ask me something!
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
When’s your birthday, Hanadai-kun?
Yuu icon.png
C'MON, IT’S LITERALLY TODAY!? Floyd-kun, you’re supposed to be my birthday interviewer, right!?
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Ahah, it totally works. Mmkay, time for the next question.

Bg 11116.png
Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Last question~

“What would you like to do in the coming year?”

Yuu icon.png
What would I like to do, huh… Hmmm, there’s a bunch of places I want to go and so many things I want to try…

But if it’s gotta be in the coming year… Ah, I know. I guess I’ll go with “I want to try out different kinds of hairstyles.”

Usually I let my bangs hang down, or put my hair up in a pompadour, or whatever, but…

I can’t say I’ve ever tried a hairstyle that would drastically change my image.

A birthday is a pretty good chance to start trying out different hairstyles, too.

Maybe I’ll end up rocking a hairstyle that I never thought about trying before.

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Ooh, sounds fun. So, what kinda hairstyles’re you thinking?
Yuu icon.png
At this current length, I might be able to slick it back. Oh but not just towards the back, but also let it sweep to the side, too.

Or, I could go to a hair stylist and ask for a mullet. Maybe Cay-kun’ll be too wild to handle ♪

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
That’s not really different from now, though?

If you’re gonna try it out, just go all out and get an undercut!

I bet your image would totally change there, ‘specially if you wore a collared shirt and a tight jacket with leather shoes.

Yuu icon.png
Aaah~ Yeah, I was just thinking about hairstyles to match my usual outfits. But I do want to try your idea, Floyd-kun.

If I’m going to change my clothes too… Ah, letting my hair grow out might be neat too. I could also try out some wings.

If I came out on stage all in punk clothes during one of the Pop Music Club performances, I bet everyone’d go wild trying to figure out who I was ♪

Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Niiice! And you could wear those jet-black boots with those spiky studs all over, too.
Yuu icon.png
Woooah~ That’s definitely not the type of thing I’d try usually…
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
And while we’re at it, why don’t you spike your hair, too?
Yuu icon.png
Eh, spike my…?
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
It’d be awesome if you used some wax to spike it straight up like a porcupine fish!

Hey, do it, Hanadai-kun.

Yuu icon.png
Haha… Maybe that’d be an adventure…
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
Interview’s done~ Here you go.
Yuu icon.png
Oh, is this my broom? The poppy, vibrant colors are totes adorbs!
Story Floyd School.png
Story Floyd School.png
That super flashy bouquet really hits it off with your outfit. It just screams out your name.

Mmkay, head off to the birthday road, now. Don’t even think about puttin’ on a boring performance when you’re on that broom.

Yuu icon.png
Way to raise the bar, there~ But leave it to me, I’ll use techniques that’ll get everyone on their feet! I’m off!

I should point my broom this way… Great, everything’s going perfect. Okay… Time to show everyone the goods ♪

Card Cater SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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