Epel Felmier/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Bloom

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Epel Personal Story
Icon Epel R School Uniform.png
School Uniform Story
Icon Epel R PE Uniform.png
PE Uniform Story
Icon Epel R Halloween.png
Halloween Story
Icon Epel SR Labwear.png
Labwear Story
Icon Epel SR Ceremonial Robes.png
Ceremonial Robes Story
Icon Epel SR Suitor Suit.png
Suitor Suit Story
Icon Epel SR Apprentice Chef.png
Apprentice Chef Story
Icon Epel SR Masquerade.png
Masquerade Story
Icon Epel SR Rabbit Costume.png
Rabbit Costume Story
Icon Epel SSR Birthday Boy.png
Birthday Boy Story
Icon Epel SSR Dorm Uniform.png
Dorm Uniform Story
Icon Epel SSR Birthday Jacket.png
Birthday Jacket Story
Icon Epel SSR Applepom.png
Applepom Story
Icon Epel SSR Birthday Bloom.png
Birthday Bloom Story
Icon Epel SSR Platinum Jacket.png
Platinum Jacket Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 15116.png
Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Yuu icon.png
Vil-san gave me a final once over earlier, so I should be looking my best… I think?

Whew… Interviews make me so nervous. I gotta watch how I speak…

Yuu icon.png
Kufufu, don't be so stiff. You're today's birthday boy, after all.
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
So… Happy Birthday, Epel! Relax, and enjoy yourself today.
Yuu icon.png
So, you're my presenter, Lilia-san? I might feel a bit better now that you've said that. Thank you!
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Right. Then, I'll read you the first question.

"If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”

You don't have to consider your magical prowess whatsoever. Just answer with wherever you want.

Yuu icon.png
Well, if I don't have to think about my own magical power… Then I'd like to go to the capital city of the Shaftlands.
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Oho. I've been to that city ages ago. It was a bustling, crowded city.
Yuu icon.png
Well, that's because it's the capital city of the world's largest country.

I'm from the Shaftlands, but the capital is so far from my little hometown, so I've never been.

But, back in middle school, there were a ton of students who were looking into going to school or work there.

A lot of the people in my hometown also apparently left to go live in the capital, or the cities near it…

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Hm… But it doesn't seem to me like you yearn to join the city folk that much.
Yuu icon.png
Of course not!

The folks who left my village and my classmates all had the same thing to say, that there was nothing to do around there…


…Uh, I mean, I thought it was pretty rude of them to say. And sure, we don't have a popular department store, or any tourist attractions, but…

But we have bountiful nature, and delicious apples… My hometown has so many wonderful things to offer.

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Kufufu, sounds to me like your dialect is rather charming in and of itself, too.
Yuu icon.png
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
So if it's not that you're yearning for city-life, then why are you wanting to go to the city?
Yuu icon.png
You said it yourself, Lilia-san. That city is bustling and crowded.

I think it'd be nice to be able to look down from my broom and watch the busy, congested streets.

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Oho, that's not a bad idea.
Yuu icon.png
Eheheh! I mean, of course, I'd like to walk the streets with my own two feet, too.

So many people'll say that "You can find whatever you want in the capital city of the Shaftlands," but…

I'm certain there's some stuff that Harveston has that the capital doesn't. That's what I want to find!

Bg 15116.png
Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
I'll move on to the next question now.

“What is something that made you glad you could use magic?”

Yuu icon.png
Something that made me glad I could use magic? Oh, there's a ton of those!
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Ohoh, that's a good reaction.
Yuu icon.png
My family are farmers, so when it's harvest time, being able to use flight magic is a huge plus…

Recently, I've been able to levitate crates filled to the brim with apples, too.

Up until a few years ago, it was faster for me to carry the crates myself, so… I guess I got a bit better.

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
So you can just easily pick up a crateful of apples, I see. That's a splendid feat.
Yuu icon.png
Well, no, it's not that easy… But I would like to one day pick it up like it's nothing.

When that happens, I'll be able to beat to a pulp all them folk who said I was "puny"…

Uhh, I mean… Let me think of something else that made me glad I could use magic…

Ah, my scarf!

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Hm? What happened with your scarf?
Yuu icon.png
I once had a scarf that my meemaw… that my grandmother made for me that got stolen.
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
When you say stolen… Was it done by the ones that were teasing you that you mentioned just a moment ago?
Yuu icon.png
No, not them… A bird stole it.
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
A bird stole your scarf?
Yuu icon.png
Yes… Up until last year, I'd ride my bicycle three hours to get to the middle school in the city…

One day, I overslept, and I put the breakfast my mother made me in the bike basket…

But then a bird came and took it, along with the scarf that was also in the basket!

I had taken it off because it had gotten pretty warm pedaling my darndest all that way…

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
That's a cheeky little bird. So, what did you do?
Yuu icon.png
Well, of course, I went after it!

If it was just the breakfast, I would have let it go, but… I definitely wanted to get back that scarf, since it was so precious to me.

I borrowed a broom from someone who was cleaning along the side of the road and gave chase, but then…

I ran into so many trees and the ground so many times that It was pretty difficult.

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
In middle school, you're no different from a babe. It's not surprising that you'd have trouble with flying.
Yuu icon.png
Oh, but I got my scarf back!

The bird dropped it on the ground, 'cause it was startled by the sound of the branches breaking.

On top of it all, the scarf fell onto the school grounds! So, thanks to that, I wasn't late for classes, but…

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Sounds like it didn't end with a happily ever after.
Yuu icon.png
One of the villagers who found my abandoned bike called up the school.

My teacher got upset at me when they learned I made it to school using flight, and my parents were also super worried.

But I don't regret it at all! 'Specially 'cause I was able to get back my precious scarf.

I may have gotten a few bumps and bruises on my cheeks and knees, but that's way better than regretting not getting it back.

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
That's the right attitude to have! Kufufu, you're a spirited young man.

Bg 15116.png
Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Here's the last question.

“What would you like to do in the coming year?”

Yuu icon.png
I wanna be on the starting lineup for the Magical Shift Club!
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
That was quick. That's easy to say, but… Do you have a plan to actually put that in motion?
Yuu icon.png
When it comes to flight, even the club captain, Leona-san, has praised my skills!
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Oho, you seem to be doing much better than expected to get such recognition from someone as difficult as Leona.
Yuu icon.png
Ehehe, I've participated in practice matches already. And I've been out on the field more than any other first year in the club… I'm pretty sure.

Actually right now, me and the other first years on the team are competing to see who among us'll be the first to become a regular player.

If I keep this up, then I think I'll be the winner! Only, I know that I can't let my guard down for one bit.

It's not like I can assess the situation on the field and calmly come up with a strategy on the fly, like how Leona-san does…

And it's not like I can take the opponent by surprise and steal the disc out from under them, like Ruggie-san.

Also, there's guys that're taller than me, and guys that can get into position on the field faster than me.

Magift is a complicated game, so… I can't scrape by just by being better at flying than everyone else.

That's why I plan on improving my abilities as much as I can, to more than I can do now. That way, I won't lose to anyone.

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Epel, what do you think you need in order to come out victorious?
Yuu icon.png
Eh? Uh, maybe… Daily training?
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
That's true. You'll also find that understanding both yours and your opponents' strengths can be the key to victory.

With all I've heard from you so far… I can't imagine that you wouldn't get that starting spot first amongst your friends.

Yuu icon.png
I didn't really get all that he said, but… Sound like he's saying it's not impossible, maybe?

Thank you very much, Lilia-san! I'm definitely gonna become a starting member!

Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Well, the interview is finally at its climax. Here, Epel. Accept this broom from me.

What a sweet and cute design, with all these bundles of small flowers.

And yet, the colors give a mature and refined feel. It's a perfect balance.

Yuu icon.png
…Eheh, you're right. I like how cool and collected it is!
Story Lilia School.png
Story Lilia School.png
Now, Epel. You better go out there and look your coolest, just like this broom does.
Yuu icon.png
Leave it to me!

I won't let anyone say I'm cute. I'm gonna show 'em all how cool I am flying on this broom!!

Card Epel SSR Birthday Bloom Groovy.png

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