Scary Monsters! ~Screaming Halloween Show~/Story/Episode 4-7

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Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by okaykei, and proofread by Kazy (JP), and Starly (EN).

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Episode 4-7: Disruptive Behavior Confirmed
Bg 61523.png
Main Street
Man A They said the alchemy workshop, right? The place that's like a mad scientist's laboratory!
Man B We could take a killer Halloween photo there, for sure. Let's head in!
Bg 61493.png
Alchemy Workshop - Chemical Storage
Man B It's so creepy, but it's so cool at the same time! Let's take a ton of photos.
Man A Don't you think you could get a neat photo if we posed on that stand over there?!

…Oh, but the signs say not to climb onto the set.

And selfie sticks might knock over the chemicals, so they're not allowed to be used, either.

Man B We can't use selfie sticks? But then how else are we meant to get everything in the picture?

All we gotta do is make sure we don't bump into anything, right? It'll be fine! We just gotta be careful.

Man A Yeah, true! Alright, I'll take the picture now. Yaaaay!
Story Jade Scary.png
Story Jade Scary.png
Disruptive behavior confirmed.

At this point in time, I now declare them to be Magicam Monsters.

Story Azul Lab.png
Story Azul Lab.png
Heh heh heh… Let's show them just why rules exist, from the kindness of our hearts, of course!
Story Jade Scary.png
Story Jade Scary.png
Yes. With the spirit of the Sea Witch's compassion… let us imprint our teachings right down to their bones.
Man A Hm? Something reflected in the flash.

Is that… a water tank? It looks like there's a fish or something inside. So fancy!

Story Floyd Eel.png
Story Floyd Eel.png
Man A …Wait, hang on, is that not a merman?!
Man B It's just a fake, obviously. Mermen are rare, and it's not even moving.
Man A Oh, you're right. Still, it's really well-made…

Ah, how about we take a picture here, too, then? Everyone's putting their photos up with the "#NRCrecord" tag just now.

Story Jade Scary.png
Story Jade Scary.png
*sigh* They really are acting as if they own the place… What a lively pair they are.
Story Azul Lab.png
Story Azul Lab.png
Nothing wrong with that. That just means everything will be so much more satisfying.

Is everyone ready?

Octavinelle Student A & B Ready whenever!
Man A Nice, this angle's perfect. Gonna take it, three, two, one!
Man A Huh?! Did the selfie stick hit the water tank?!
Man B Th-There's a mark… I'm not made of money! There's no way I can compensate for something like this!
Man A I-It's not my fault. It's so dark I can't see for sure, but something definitely bumped into me!

…Actually, maybe we should sneak out while no one's watching us…

*tap tap*
??? Why, that just won't do, sirs…
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