Ortho Shroud/Personal Story/SSR B-Day Bloom Gear

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Ortho Personal Story
Icon Ortho R Archetype Gear.png
Archetype Gear Story
Icon Ortho R Athletic Gear.png
Athletic Gear Story
Icon Ortho R Halloween Gear.png
Halloween Gear Story
Icon Ortho R School Uniform Gear.png
School Uniform Gear Story
Icon Ortho SR Precision Gear.png
Precision Gear Story
Icon Ortho SR Burst Gear.png
Burst Gear Story
Icon Ortho SR Stargazer Gear.png
Stargazer Gear Story
Icon Ortho SR Cooking Gear.png
Cooking Gear Story
Icon Ortho SR Rabbit Gear.png
Rabbit Gear Story
Icon Ortho SSR Birthday Gear.png
Birthday Gear Story
Icon Ortho SSR Ignihyde Gear.png
Ignihyde Gear Story
Icon Ortho SSR Fairy Gear.png
Fairy Gear Story
Icon Ortho SSR B-Day Jacket Gear.png
B-Day Jacket Gear Story
Icon Ortho SSR B-Day Bloom Gear.png
B-Day Bloom Gear Story
Icon Ortho SSR Playful Gear.png
Playful Gear Story
Icon Ortho SSR Platinum Gear.png
Platinum Gear Story
Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by Mystery Shop.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

Happy Birthday

Bg 16116.png
Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Yuu icon.png
It’s like a dream come true to get interviewed for my birthday as a student here at Night Raven College.

And on top of that, thanks to my big brother, I was able to retrofit my gear to look just like everyone else’s outfits… I’m super happy.

Oh yeah, I should make sure to capture all this on film. I wanna show this to my brother… Oh, and my dad and mom.

Yuu icon.png
Film? …I suppose I’ll have to ask later. Pardon me.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Happy Birthday, Ortho. It seems I have been tasked with being your presenter today.
Yuu icon.png
Woah, hey! Sebek Zigvolt-san! Thank you. I look forward to it.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Right… You mentioned just a moment ago that you would be capturing this on film. Essentially, does that mean you intend on recording my words and actions?
Yuu icon.png
Yep. And if you make any mistakes, maybe Malleus-san will end up seeing alll your embarrassing moments. You better do good.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Humph, as if I would disgrace myself before someone like you. I shall read out the first question now.

“Are you good or bad at flying?”

Yuu icon.png
Hmmm, that’s a toughie. I mean, especially since I’m a humanoid…

I can’t just cast magic on a broom and fly like you or the other mages here.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Hm? You mean to tell me that you do not usually use magic to float in the air?
Yuu icon.png
Yeah. It’s more like technomantic energy… Maybe it’d be easier to say it’s a hybrid of electricity and magic.

By swapping out my gear or any attachments, I can increase my speed, or even fly for longer periods of time.

For me, as long as I have technomantic energy, I can fly wherever I want…

I can even fly no problem through difficult obstacle courses, or fly at a constant speed.

That’s why for a little while after I became a student at Night Raven College, I made sure to observe the flight and P.E. classes.

Unlike you guys, it’s not like I would gain any stamina or strength through training, after all.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
You were observing us? I suppose I do recall seeing you flying with some of the students last week or so.
Yuu icon.png
Oh, so you saw me. Actually, I recently started helping out by supporting Vargas-sensei during his classes.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
You’re supporting…? As in, as his assistant?
Yuu icon.png
Yep. During flight classes, I fly along my classmate’s brooms and capture data on their form and time.

Using that data, I’m able to identify everyone’s habits and weaknesses and provide suggestions for improvement.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Hm… That would indeed be helpful to be able to get an objective analysis of my flying posture.
Yuu icon.png
Right? And Vargas-sensei praised me too, saying, “When you’re around, the students’ muscles gleam even brighter”!

Bg 16116.png
Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Next question is…

“What is something that made you glad you could use magic?”

Yuu icon.png
Eehh, that’s another tough one.

I might have been able to develop a soul that can use imagination like you guys, but it’s not like I can actually use magic…

Because all of my functions are based on technomantic energy…

But if I were to answer as a student of a mage institute should… IT’D HAVE TO BE THAT I’VE MADE FRIENDS HERE!!

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
You’re a student of the most prestigious Night Raven College, and your answer is to speak of the friendships you’ve developed?
Yuu icon.png
Yep. Because I came here originally as one of my brother’s “gadgets,” I was able to meet a ton of living people…

And now that I’ve started taking classes as a student, I’ve had the opportunity to come in contact with so many more people.

I had a ton of fun with the groupwork we had the other day. You know, the one where we had to study up on some of the legends of the Great Seven.

You did that in your class too, right?

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Indeed. I found writing a report in a group of 4 to be a rather impractical assignment.
Yuu icon.png
Oooh, so you don’t find group work to be practical, huh. Interesting.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
From the way you speak, it seems to me like you look upon that sort of assignment favorably.
Yuu icon.png
Yep. Whenever I listen to other people’s opinions, even if we’re reading the same story, everyone has a different interpretation, so I find that super fascinating.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Yuu icon.png
I guess I could also say that everyone values different things.

And then I realized that the thought that everyone puts the most value in is strongly connected to their past experiences… their “memories,” so to speak.

For example, if you were born and raised in Briar Valley, you would’ve probably heard so many anecdotes of the Thorn Fairy from a young age.

That’s why there would be more passion, more zeal in the discussion about her.

And some may believe that their idealized versions are more correct than a proper database.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Idealized, you say? The Thorn Fairy is absolutely a great being. No amount of praise would ever be considered to be too much.
Yuu icon.png
If you’re that adamant, then we should have a discussion about it sometime.

During class the other day, I sourced documents from my database and soundly destroyed all the inconsistencies in their arguments…

So I wonder just how far you’ll be able to keep up with me, Sebek-san.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Don’t you put me in the same category as your classmates. I have read an abundance of books on the Thorn Fairy.
Yuu icon.png
Oooh, so you’re saying you might actually have a leg to stand on. Then this might actually be promising.

Alright, then let’s pick a day for our discussion sometime later. Heheh, I’m looking forward to it.

Bg 16116.png
Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
This is the final question.

“How do you spend your days off?”

Yuu icon.png
Hmm, there’s a lot I do, but… I guess I often find myself watching movies or stage plays online.

Recently, though, I’ve been spending lunch or tea time with my dorm and classmates.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Lunch and tea time? You don’t eat, though.
Yuu icon.png
Yep. But my goal there is to just chat with everyone. I also listen to their grumbles about their studies or relationships with others.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Humph, how absurd. What good will come of listening to other people complain? Why don’t you try spending your time doing something more worthwhile?
Yuu icon.png
Ehh, but it’s pretty interesting. Just by watching how people react over every little thing helps me learn, too.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
What do you mean, learn?
Yuu icon.png
I’ve found that all the stories I hear from people are really good references for me to look back to whenever I need to act a part.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Act a part…? Ah, right, you joined the Film Research Club. So essentially, you’re saying you’re feeding off of human interactions.
Yuu icon.png
Ah. This past weekend, we didn’t have a club meeting, so I went into town with my brother.
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Yuu icon.png

We play this one game that uses our phones’ GPS function, so sometimes we head out there together.

We’ll go to a restaurant that’s an in-game spot where we’d be able to gather items and pick up some food that we’d already ordered online…

And once we get to Whistle Park, we’d eat at one of the benches there. After that, we’d plan out the rest of our day there.

And then, when he’s done eating, we’ll walk around the park looking for items, or have some encounter battles.

Kinda sounds fun, like a real picnic, right?

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
I can’t say I know what game you speak of, but… It definitely does seem like you have a good time.

Back home, my parents, older brother and older sister would always take me to the park to spend time.

Yuu icon.png
Heh, sounds like you and your family are pretty close, too. That’s just like us!

Me and my brother, as well as our dad and mom, used to go play at the nearby park, or even at a forest or river back in the day, too.

…Although ever since my brother started to shut himself inside his room, we haven’t been able to go anywhere as a family anymore.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Well, it seems Idia-senpai has gotten to the point where he can actually go outside again. Perhaps there will come the time that you will be able to travel somewhere as a family again?

That person needs to leave the house more. You should do what you can to take him out camping, traveling, or what have you.

Yuu icon.png
Yep, you’re right. Sebek-san, thanks for your advice!
Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
I’m your presenter, after all! It’s only natural that I should be able to present this sort of advice.

You may come ask me anything you wish when you plan to take your family on a trip outdoors.

The interview has now concluded. Here, your broom. There are blue flowers in the center of the bouquet, it suits you rather nicely.

Yuu icon.png
Woah, this is my first ever personal broom! I didn’t actually think I’d get one.

There’s so many different kinds of flowers here. I’ll have to fly carefully so as to not blow them away with my jets.

Story Sebek School.png
Story Sebek School.png
Take this broom and take flight. That is testimony to your status here as a student of the most prestigious Night Raven College.

Don’t you dare show us a shameful sight on your birthday, Ortho.

Yuu icon.png
Of course! Make sure you keep your eyes on me while I fly, Sebek Zigvolt-san!
Yuu icon.png
It’s time to show off the special gear that I made specifically for today. I’m totally gonna shock everyone who gathered here for me.
Card Ortho SSR B-Day Bloom Gear Groovy.png

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