Rook Hunt/Personal Story/SSR Birthday Boy/j-mee

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Azul Line.png This story has been fan-translated by j-mee.

This translation was based off the scripts from the Japanese version of the game.

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Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
NRC School Newspaper Special Feature

Birthday Boy Interview ~Rook Edition~

Happy birthday!
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Merci, Trickster!
How does it feel having everyone celebrate your birthday?
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Having so many other students gathered here, each one wishing me a happy birthday... It's très bien.

When I saw Roi des Lions in class I told him that I'd love to see him at my party.

But later Monsieur Dandelion showed up with a message from Leona-kun.

"No way in hell," was his reply. Quel dommage![1]

Though it seems while Monsieur Dandelion was here to deliver the message he helped himself to his fill of party food.

Come to think of it, I sent an invitation to Roi du Dragon but I've yet to see him...

Well, I suppose I'll just have to be patient. That's the real thrill of hunting, you know.

And then of course, the happiest part of all... Having Vil and Epel-kun here to celebrate with me!

Seeing the smiles on their faces made me deeply appreciate being able to enter Pomefiore.

Today's party may be in honor of celebrating my birthday, but I hope everyone enjoys themselves, including you.

How did you spend birthdays with your family before entering Night Raven College?
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Fufu... That's a secret.
A secret...? You won't share it with us...?
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Oh là là. You seem quite curious to know more about me.

I, myself, can't help wanting to pursue as much as I can about people who pique my curiosity, so I understand how you feel. However, non!

Besides, secrets are all the sweeter when they stay that way, Trickster.

  1. "Quel dommage!" means "What a pity!"/"What a shame!" in French

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Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
I've heard you're quite good at archery?
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Oui. I'm skilled at competitive archery as well as bow hunting.

When standing in front of a target, I become so focused that I can't hear any other noise in the background.

The way it feels as your senses sharpen, you release the arrow, and watch it pierce the target is excellente!

...Just imagining it gives me a rush of exhilaration.

I can tell you really like it.
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Oui, oui. The bow is flexible yet strong. I think that's what makes it beautiful.

Ah, the bow... full of noble courage, you drive those faint of heart forward for the sake of love true and sincere...

Ah, the arrow... a devout messenger of love, you carry one's passionate longing to the object of their desire, straight and true...

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Oh! You'll have to forgive me. Once I become too focused on something I tend to lose my bearings... It's a terrible habit of mine.

Though I suppose now you understand just how strongly I feel about the bow and arrow?

Y-Yeah. Uh... Is there anything you like besides the bow?
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Let me see... I love everything beautiful...

But among them, I think binoculars are a wonderful invention!

My eyesight is rather good so I don't need to rely on them to see but...

They allow you to watch others from a distance without being seen.

Almost as if there's no physical distance between you and them.

Don't you agree this invention is très bien?

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Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Tell us about your favorite food.
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It's liver pâté!

Whenever I'm served this dish, a perfect harmony of wilderness and elegance... C'est bon![1] It's delicious!

Though its true mark of distinguishment is its freshness... Unfortunately I don't get to eat very delicious pâté often.

However, the pâté prepared for me at today's party is really très bien!

Where you able to taste how excellent it is for yourself?

I haven't yet, sorry.
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You'll truly be missing out if you don't! You must try some!

Once you do, I'm sure you'll be absolutely captivated by its flavor...

Are there any foods you don't like?
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Garlic. Or rather, it causes me some trouble.

Foods with a lingering odor get in the way of hunting, you see.

Can you eat it when you aren't hunting, then?
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Non! To me there's no difference between when I'm hunting and when I'm not.

Take a look at animals in nature. Those that hunt are always watching for any prey that catches their eye.

And those that are weaker must always be on the look out, knowing that they could be hunted down at any moment, no?

I see...
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Fufufu... Be careful, Trickster.
Be careful...?
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Ah. If you're not careful, by the time you realize you've been hunted it will already be too late.

It would be tragic to find yourself in a situation like that.

O-Okay... Well thank you for letting me interview you today.

And once again, happy birthday.

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  1. "C'est bon!" means "It's good/excellent!" in French
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