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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:StoryCharaName/doc

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)
    local name = frame.args[1] -- grabs the name from invoked arguments
    nameTrim = function(input)
    	local output=string.gsub(string.gsub(input, "^ +", ""), " +$", "") --removes spaces from the beginning & end of the string
		if string.find(output, " ") ~=nil then --if there are spaces left in the the string
			local spaceLoc=string.find(output, " ") --set the location of the first space as a variable
			if string.len(string.sub(output, spaceLoc+1)) <=1 then -- returns the initial input if the length of the string after the space is 1 or less
				return output
			else --otherwise just returns the string before the first space
				return string.sub(output, 0, spaceLoc-1)
		else --if there are no spaces in the string just returns the initial output
			return output
    if string.find(name, "&") ~= nil then --checks if there are ampersands in the string
    	ampLoc=string.find(name, "&") --saves the location of the first amp location as a variable
    	if string.find(name, "&", ampLoc+1) == nil then --if there is only one ampersand in the string
    		return nameTrim(string.sub(name, 0, ampLoc-1)).." & "..nameTrim(string.sub(name, ampLoc+1)) -- return each part of the argument before and after the ampersand through the function
    	else --if there are multiple ampersands in the string, return "everyone"
    		return "Everyone"
    else --if there are no ampersands in the string return the whole string through the function
    	return nameTrim(name)

return p